Episode 120 : What Is Keratin Glue ?
Episode 120: What Is Keratin Glue? By Trish I wanted to briefly explain what is keratin glue? A subject that is not really talked about to often, because let’s be honest once the hair extension is in; you feel beautiful so who cares right. [...]
Episode 113 : What Vitamins Help Grow Hair ?
What vitamins are best for hair growth? Episode 113: What Vitamins Help Grow Hair ? By Akira Hey everybody! We will be talking about what are the best vitamins for hair growth. Now I had mentioned in “Episode 112: Why Should You [...]
Episode 107: How to naturally thicken up your hair
Episode 107: How to naturally thicken up your hair By Rico Hello Ladies and Gents. I want to talk about some natural ways to thicken up your locks. Thinning can be caused from a number of different sources. Some include but are not limited [...]
Episode 105: How to use dry shampoo
Episode 105: How to use dry shampoo By Rico Many hairstylists and dermatologists have began the campaign that supports the theory that washing your hair too much can strip away healthy natural oils and lead to dry, damaged hair. Dry shampoo has been gaining [...]
Episode 103: What is sulfate-free shampoo?
Episode 103: What is sulfate-free shampoo? By Rico What is sulfate-free? Sulfate free shampoos have no bubbles when it lathers. Verses your regular shampoo, which have a chemical agent, referred to as Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. These are commonly found in [...]